The Ruined Tower: Uncovering the secrets of Karazhan
Looming above Deadwind Pass, the ruins of Karazhan cast an ominous presence upon the ruined town below.
Once a great beacon of magic inhabited first...
Escaping Durnholde: A Journey Into Azeroth’s Past
Before he was Warchief of the Horde, Thrall was a slave in the Orcish internment camp of Durnholde Keep. The Bronze Dragonflight, working to...
Diving Back Into Deeprun: Exploring Beyond the Portals in the Deeprun Tram
It's been nine months since we first ventured into the Deeprun Tram, Azeroth's largest (and only) subway system.
Last time, we dove into the famous Deeprun...
The Fallen City: Beyond the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
In the desert on the southern tip of Kalimdor, the Titan city of Ahn'Qiraj slowly sinks beneath the sand...
Constructed by the Titans to serve...
Deathwing’s Victory: The Echoes of a Sundered Azeroth
Everyone knows how the war of the Cataclysm ended. The champions of Azeroth assisted the Dragon Aspects in defeating Deathwing mere moments before he...
The Realm of Madness: Exploring Ny’alotha, the Waking City
Amidst the towering spires and floating pyramids of Ny'alotha, the Old God N'zoth has awakened...
While the heroic champions of Azeroth might use this opportunity...
Beneath the Underbelly: Exploring the Secret Arena Below Dalaran
A video guide for this exploration can be found at entry #1 in Episode 1 of Five Minute Explorations, which is shown above.
Hidden beneath...
Inside the Well – Witnessing the First Battle of the War of the Ancients
10,000 Years ago Azshara, Last Queen of the Kaldorei Empire, was overcome struck a deal with the Titan Sargeras to grant the Burning Legion...
Lost in the void: The shipwreck in the Twisting Nether
While most of the small rocks and bits of debris that hover in the Twisting Nether are relatively uninteresting, there is one large exception...
Outside the Keep: Venturing into Silverpine Forest
Since Vanilla Shadowfang Keep has sat in crumbling disarray on its hill, overlooking the Greymane Wall and the town of Pyrewood Village.
With the opening...