Shadwofang Keep overhead

Outside the Keep: Venturing into Silverpine Forest

Since Vanilla Shadowfang Keep has sat in crumbling disarray on its hill, overlooking the Greymane Wall and the town of Pyrewood Village. With the opening...
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

The Fallen City: Beyond the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj

In the desert on the southern tip of Kalimdor, the Titan city of Ahn'Qiraj slowly sinks beneath the sand... Constructed by the Titans to serve...
ruins of stormwind city

Hellscream’s Vision: Exploring the ruins of Stormwind City

During Mists of Pandaria, the Alliance and Horde united against the tyrannical Warchief Garrosh Hellscream; Driven mad by the heart of Y'Shaarj, he saw...
Deeprun Aquarium

Beneath the Depths: Exploring the Deeprun Tram Aquarium

Connecting Ironforge and Stormwind City, the Deeprun Tram is not only a technical marvel, but a work of artistic beauty as well. Added in Classic...
aerie peak durnholde

Escaping Durnholde: A Journey Into Azeroth’s Past

Before he was Warchief of the Horde, Thrall was a slave in the Orcish internment camp of Durnholde Keep. The Bronze Dragonflight, working to...
naxxramas interior

Inside Naxxramas: The hidden zone

The floating scourge necropolis of Naxxramas has been one of Warcraft's most famous raids ever since it's introduction in Vanilla, but few know it...
Old Ironforge

Beneath the Forge: Exploring Old Ironforge

Deep in the fiery heart of Ironforge, the earliest section of the city lies almost entirely abandoned. Old Ironforge, also known as The Hall of...

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Escaping Durnholde: A Journey Into Azeroth’s Past

Before he was Warchief of the Horde, Thrall was a slave in the Orcish internment camp of Durnholde Keep. The Bronze Dragonflight, working to...
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The Great Snake of Gundrak

Reaching across the eastern stretches of Northrend, the troll empire of Zul'Drak fights a losing battle. One of the six troll empires, the Drakkari face wars against the...
exploring ahn'qiraj

Above the Dunes: Uncovering the secrets of the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj

Somewhere deep beneath the deserts of Silithus, an Old God waits... Lying at the end of the sprawling silithid hive, the Old God C'Thun has...