Deathwing corpse end time

Deathwing’s Victory: The Echoes of a Sundered Azeroth

Everyone knows how the war of the Cataclysm ended. The champions of Azeroth assisted the Dragon Aspects in defeating Deathwing mere moments before he...

Invincible’s Grave

Given as a gift to Prince Arthas Menthil on his 9th birthday, Invincible was a noble Loarderon steed. Trained by Arthas, the steed formed...
Sunken Temple title card

Sinking into Atal’Hakkar: Exploring the Original Sunken Temple

Once a massive dungeon spanning four levels, Atal'Hakkar was shaken to its very foundation by the Cataclysm and the lower floors crumbled: rendering them...
ruins of stormwind city

Hellscream’s Vision: Exploring the ruins of Stormwind City

During Mists of Pandaria, the Alliance and Horde united against the tyrannical Warchief Garrosh Hellscream; Driven mad by the heart of Y'Shaarj, he saw...
naxxramas interior

Inside Naxxramas: The hidden zone

The floating scourge necropolis of Naxxramas has been one of Warcraft's most famous raids ever since it's introduction in Vanilla, but few know it...

The Fallen Drake of Nagrand

The Time-Lost Proto-Drake, Previously mentioned in The Time-Lost Proto-Drake: Northrend's most illusive beast, has been infamous since Wrath of the Lich King for it's infrequent...
Culling of Stratholme Elders Square

Before the Culling: Exploring the Uncorrupted Plaguelands in the Culling of Stratholme

The Culling of Stratholme was Lordaeron's first major loss in the invasion of the Scourge. Tainted by plagued grain, the residents of Stratholme were...

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The Great Snake of Gundrak

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Invincible’s Grave

Given as a gift to Prince Arthas Menthil on his 9th birthday, Invincible was a noble Loarderon steed. Trained by Arthas, the steed formed...
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Deathwing corpse end time

Deathwing’s Victory: The Echoes of a Sundered Azeroth

Everyone knows how the war of the Cataclysm ended. The champions of Azeroth assisted the Dragon Aspects in defeating Deathwing mere moments before he...
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Above the Dunes: Uncovering the secrets of the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj

Somewhere deep beneath the deserts of Silithus, an Old God waits... Lying at the end of the sprawling silithid hive, the Old God C'Thun has...

The Fallen Drake of Nagrand

The Time-Lost Proto-Drake, Previously mentioned in The Time-Lost Proto-Drake: Northrend's most illusive beast, has been infamous since Wrath of the Lich King for it's infrequent...