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Inside the Well – Witnessing the First Battle of the War of the Ancients
10,000 Years ago Azshara, Last Queen of the Kaldorei Empire, was overcome struck a deal with the Titan Sargeras to grant the Burning Legion...
Lost in the void: The shipwreck in the Twisting Nether
While most of the small rocks and bits of debris that hover in the Twisting Nether are relatively uninteresting, there is one large exception...
Beneath the Underbelly: Exploring the Secret Arena Below Dalaran
A video guide for this exploration can be found at entry #1 in Episode 1 of Five Minute Explorations, which is shown above.
Hidden beneath...
Above the Dunes: Uncovering the secrets of the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
Somewhere deep beneath the deserts of Silithus, an Old God waits...
Lying at the end of the sprawling silithid hive, the Old God C'Thun has...
The Master Builder’s Shirt
Fineous Darkvire, chief architect of the Dark Iron Dwarves, can be found within Blackrock Depths.
While not a particularly special boss, he drops an uncommon...
The Fallen Drake of Nagrand
The Time-Lost Proto-Drake, Previously mentioned in The Time-Lost Proto-Drake: Northrend's most illusive beast, has been infamous since Wrath of the Lich King for it's infrequent...
Inside Naxxramas: The hidden zone
The floating scourge necropolis of Naxxramas has been one of Warcraft's most famous raids ever since it's introduction in Vanilla, but few know it...
Around Azeroth
Diving Back Into Deeprun: Exploring Beyond the Portals in the Deeprun...
It's been nine months since we first ventured into the Deeprun Tram, Azeroth's largest (and only) subway system.
Last time, we dove into the famous Deeprun...
Secrets of the Crucible: Exploring the Mysteries of the Crucible of...
Nestled in an island off the coast of Stormsong Valley, the dark work of N'Zoth is carried out by his servants within the Crucible...
Andrestrasz: The sleeping drake
Silithus and Ahn'Qiraj are thought of as many things, but peaceful is not normally one of them.
However, in the chaos of the fallen kingdom,...
Invincible’s Grave
Given as a gift to Prince Arthas Menthil on his 9th birthday, Invincible was a noble Loarderon steed. Trained by Arthas, the steed formed...
Before the Culling: Exploring the Uncorrupted Plaguelands in the Culling of...
The Culling of Stratholme was Lordaeron's first major loss in the invasion of the Scourge. Tainted by plagued grain, the residents of Stratholme were...
Stratholme or Deatholme, the inaccessible zone
In the northern reaches of the Eastern Kingdoms sits the city of Stratholme
Once a border city of the Kingdom of Loarderon, Stratholme was infested...
Most Viewed
Janeiro’s Point: An Azerothian treasure hunt
On a small island in Booty Bay harbor the statue of a smiling Goblin, arms outstretched, has greeted travelers entering the Bay since Vanilla.
Beneath the Depths: Exploring the Deeprun Tram Aquarium
Connecting Ironforge and Stormwind City, the Deeprun Tram is not only a technical marvel, but a work of artistic beauty as well.
Added in Classic...
The Ruined Tower: Uncovering the secrets of Karazhan
Looming above Deadwind Pass, the ruins of Karazhan cast an ominous presence upon the ruined town below.
Once a great beacon of magic inhabited first...